A great run, finally!!!

So today, I was bound and determined to have a good run. I wasn't too sure on how it was going to go because the littlest one was up for most of the night last night and I couldn't sleep. I am running on probably 4 maybe 5 hours of sleep right now. I also wasn't sure on how it was going to go since people in the office brought in bagels and cinnamon rolls (two of my favs) and I couldn't resist.

So I get down to the gym and literally I am the only person in there. It was actually kind of nice. I was hoping that I could go one day without Skippy McHopps-a-lot jumping on the TM right next to me since there were 8 others available. So, I was 10-15 minutes in when who walks in.....That's right Skippy (not his real name, obviously). Which treadmill does he pick you may ask? That's right the one right next to me. I gave this guy this nickname because he is one of these runners who runs only on his toes and takes these HUGE gallops and makes crashing sounds when he hits the belt. There is a thud and belt skip every time he takes a stride. When he is running he looks like a hopping monkey. I know that is really not nice to say, but it is soooooo true. Anyway, I didn't want to get out of my zone just because this knucklehead jumps on so I crank one of my favorite Christian Screamo bands The Chariot since that usually keeps me pumped. Now I am really starting to get into a rythym.

Skippy calls it quits and my run just keeps getting better. Once I saw "57:00" come up on the display I couldn't believe my eyes. I had gone 57 minutes and didn't want to kill someone. So I crank up the speed and to my amazement I went 7.25 miles and felt great. This is the first run this has happened since the marathon last fall. It was phenomenal. I know it is God's way of telling me to get my act in gear and start training for my Fall 50K. I don't know when or where just yet, but I will do one and be much stronger than the marathons I have done so far.

So, we are in March and I am getting so annoyed by the TM. Keep praying that good weather will come soon to the central part of the US. Hopefully I can get out next Tuesday, since it is supposed to be 50 degrees and I will be able to give you a report on my first outdoor scamper this year. Alright. Gotta go, peeps.

Stay strong, run long


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