Dam-To-Dam here we come!!!

So something was pointed out to me this morning that I didn't even realize. The D-t-D is in 10 weeks. Man, that seems really soon for some reason. Maybe it's because I haven't registered yet :( I know, I know. I am supposed to be the leader of this group and I haven't done it yet. Don't worry. It'll happen, I just haven't really been on the ball lately.

I realized yesterday how crappy my mood is when I don't work out or run. I knew that I was going to be doing a group run and wanted to make sure that my legs were fresh from my sprint intervals on Tuesday. I didn't wash my clothes the night before or do any of my normal routine and I think that I realized it when I woke up. I didn't really have any thing to look forward to yesterday except for coming to work and I was bummin'. I get to work and I was pissy. I got off work and I was pissy. I got home and I was pissy. It is really strange that when you get used to running how if you don't do it your world goes into a tailspin. I don't mean to get like this, but WOW. I was a b**ch yesterday. Today is a different day though. I had a good breakfast. I woke up to my beautiful wife and our littlest sleeping in the bed right next to me and realized how lucky and blessed I really am.

I am ready to go today though. One of the guys from our group and I are going out. I am hoping to do 5, but we'll see how he is feeling. I can go out and take some walk breaks just to keep my legs fresh, but I don't know how excited he is about that idea. We'll have to see. I am not used to running with other people. Running is such a personal experience. You do it for your own reasons, whether that be to lose weight, fight boredom or because you blessed with the ability to do so. I was not built with any athletic ability. Hence the reason why most of my times suck!!! I am really hard on myself when it comes to this stuff. I know that I shouldn't be, but I see all of those people running 7-7:30/miles and it really annoys me. Why can't I do that? I know why, It's because I like to eat. I love sweets and crap. I have been trying to eat better, but man it sucks. We have so many "snacky" foods around the house and I am married to someone who genetically has a faster metabolism to break down the stuff that we eat. Hopefully our kids get her genes for that and her brains. I just need to get on the horse again. Now that it's spring maybe that will be my kick in the pants to do it. Winter sucks!!!!

So for those of you who are still reading after all of that. I will say to you, unless I have an epiphany that I just need to share I probably won't post until after Easter. Take this time to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior. This is the time of the year that defines our relationship with our creator. He sent His son to die for our sins so that our bodies will be washed free of our sins. If you get a chance, this is the time of the year when you should go out and rent The Passion of the Christ if you don't own it and remind yourself of what Jesus endured to save his followers. It's a great time of the year to be with family. Take some time to celebrate with them and realize that the Easter bunny is just another way to celebrate a holiday that celebrates our Jesus. Don't think that I won't be taking our kids to see the Easter Bunny, we will. But, I am also going to remind my daughter of the real reason to celebrate. This should be the time of the year when believers should explain to non-believers that there is life, salvation, forgiveness and righteousness available with a belief and following of God's word. My eyes have really been opened by this realization and I couldn't be in a much better spot in life, by realizing how great life can be when you walk in the shoes of Jesus.

Anyway, see you after the holiday. Stay Strong, Run Long.


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