
Showing posts from March, 2008

God is speaking to me.

So, no running posts for today but I did want to share something that happened to me last Thursday. I had to go to an appointment in kind of a shady part of town and I decided to go a little early. If you know me, you know that I like to be early to everything. So I drive in to the parking lot and as I was coming in I noticed that someone was in the dumpster. As I got a little closer I noticed that this person was throwing cans outside to take and turn in for money, I assumed. As I parked my car I decided that I needed to ask God what I should do for this person. I felt like I had to do something. I have been given so much. I have been blessed more than most people in this world and here is a guy that, for one reason or another, is in a dumpster digging for cans to redeem to buy something. I had a moment with God where I just said, "If I am supposed to do something, tell me what I am supposed to do." This was right around lunch time and I had brought my lunch with me for the ...

Rest Day

What a past couple of days!!!! My Easter went really well. I wasn't able to get out and run over the weekend though. I forgot my shoes at work. OOOOPPPPS!!!! We had a really good time back home. It is nice to get back and enjoy time with our family since we don't get back all that often. I think "Red" overdosed on candy though. She had a major crash in the car and when we tried to bring her in to the house to put her to bed, she was like a cooked noodle. She couldn't stand or anything. Sad, but kind of funny all at the same time. It was also nice to have a conversation with my wife's maternal grandmother about God. She has always been a huge supporter of my spiritual journey and it was nice to have a more in depth conversation with her than I have ever had or been comfortable having. When I got back to the office on Monday though, I was really excited to get out and go for a run. After all of the food that I consumed over the weekend, I kind of needed to. I wa...

Dam-To-Dam here we come!!!

So something was pointed out to me this morning that I didn't even realize. The D-t-D is in 10 weeks. Man, that seems really soon for some reason. Maybe it's because I haven't registered yet :( I know, I know. I am supposed to be the leader of this group and I haven't done it yet. Don't worry. It'll happen, I just haven't really been on the ball lately. I realized yesterday how crappy my mood is when I don't work out or run. I knew that I was going to be doing a group run and wanted to make sure that my legs were fresh from my sprint intervals on Tuesday. I didn't wash my clothes the night before or do any of my normal routine and I think that I realized it when I woke up. I didn't really have any thing to look forward to yesterday except for coming to work and I was bummin'. I get to work and I was pissy. I got off work and I was pissy. I got home and I was pissy. It is really strange that when you get used to running how if you don't do...

What a great life

I just have to share what happend this weekend. This has nothing to do with running, sports, work or even me. It has to do with my wife. My wife and I had one of those talks that you hope one day you can have. Where you lay out your plans for your life. It was one of those talks where you confess to your significant other your most sincere appreciation, love and admiration for them. I have always been in love with my wife, but after this weekend I truly believe she is truly my best friend and the love of my life. I discussed things with her this weekend that I don't know if I ever have before. I am such a good place right now spiritually, that I am not afraid of hiding my beliefs from anyone. I am truly on a mission to be a messenger of God, or you might call me the Messenjah :) I have been so broken in the past and she has always stuck by me. I have done a lot of bad things and she has forgiven me. I can only hope to be half of the loving, caring, nuturing person she is. There is ...

Spring has Sprung

Ok so sorry I haven't posted in a few days, but it has been a crazy last couple of days. We went back home this last weekend to hang out with the fam and my wife had to go to a wedding shower for a friend from college. I hate the drive, but I love to see our family. They don't get to see the girls that often and it is so much fun when they do get to see them. Our oldest loves my sister-in-laws boyfriend. She thinks he is hilarious. I have been trying to be much better about my diet since the D-t-D is in about 2 months and I really have to hunker down. It is so hard when my dept has so many food days and people just bring food most of the time for no reason. "Hey, I was on time to work today. Have some delicious Casey's breakfast pizza". That stuff is so good and really difficult to control myself from eating 1, 2, 3 or 4 pieces. I have been really good without all of the sugar, but it has really been a struggle. I realizing again how addictive food can be. I find ...

A great run, finally!!!

So today, I was bound and determined to have a good run. I wasn't too sure on how it was going to go because the littlest one was up for most of the night last night and I couldn't sleep. I am running on probably 4 maybe 5 hours of sleep right now. I also wasn't sure on how it was going to go since people in the office brought in bagels and cinnamon rolls (two of my favs) and I couldn't resist. So I get down to the gym and literally I am the only person in there. It was actually kind of nice. I was hoping that I could go one day without Skippy McHopps-a-lot jumping on the TM right next to me since there were 8 others available. So, I was 10-15 minutes in when who walks in.....That's right Skippy (not his real name, obviously). Which treadmill does he pick you may ask? That's right the one right next to me. I gave this guy this nickname because he is one of these runners who runs only on his toes and takes these HUGE gallops and makes crashing sounds when he hits...

Good stuff all around

Wow, what a day!!! Here's what happend. I began my with receiving some great information about a collection that I am starting at work. Let me tell you a little about it. It is a shoe collection for a great organization out of Colorado that collects shoes for kids and adults in Africa, Central America and other far flung regions of the world. They take them in, wash them, disinfect them and ship them out to different communities throughout the world for underpriveledged individuals that can't afford something as simple as a pair of shoes. Shoes are something that we really take for granted. These people's wellfare depends on shoes that they can't afford. If they don't have food, they can't go to school or work. These are human beings that need our help. I have been in contact with the organizers for a couple of months to try and get something started at work, but it is finally materializing and I couldn't be more excited. If you want some more info about the...

I am ready!!!!

OK, so today is a new day and starts a new commitment to my running. I have been praying all weekend for God to show me something to make me want to run more. What was that pivotal moment you ask? I looked at my youngest sleeping in her crib and felt that I have to lead by example. Running is more than just a hobby or something that you just have to do. It is one of my passions in my life and I have to do it. It is my drug of choice. It is where I can go to relieve the stress of my life, reflect on my life and thank God that I woke up. I want my kids to learn to love something that is not material. Running is a cleansing activity that can consume your life, but something that you can involve the whole family. I want my girls to look up to me as someone that has been following their dreams and be proud. I know a lot of people that pick something that they would like to do, but never make the steps to follow those dreams. I have goals in my running future, that I have to accomplish. They...

Outback Steakhouse :)

So here I am. Today is Saturday and I had one of the best meals last night at one of my fav restaraunts. The Outback!!!! MMMMMM Actually I have half of my steak left to eat today. That's right I said HALF. I don't really know what I am going to write about today, but I felt compelled to. I am just sitting down stairs with Mini-Me while Red and the wifey sleep. It's cool just to hang out with my kids sometimes. They remind me what it is like to live a simpler life. They have it so easy. As long as they are fed and have some toys to play with, things couldn't get much better. It's awesome to see. I love my girls. They make my world go 'round. I can't wait to see what kind of adults they turn out to be. Maybe that's why I am writing today. It has really been weighing on me the way that we live our lives today. Our world is run my how many things that we can have. I am trying to follow a stricter life and not worry about the things that I don't have but ...