Baptism and much more

So, I haven't posted for a while and I don't really know why I haven't. So let me update on a few things. Last Wednesday I experienced one of the most amazing things of my life. I have had the pleasure to have experienced the birth of both of my girls and I really feel that this was almost like me experiencing my own birth. It was a rebirth of my spiritual life and faith. It was INSANE!!! I went into this without really knowing what to expect, but came out a changed man. I prayed before I wrote my testimony and just asked God to give me the strength to write from the heart, be truthful and lay it all out there. When I started writing, I found that I didn't want to stop. The words were coming out of me and I could have rambled on for hours. I was working with passion and a clarity that I have never experienced before.

We showed up to Church early, like usual, with my family and a few friends to join in the moment. I am really glad that I had them there to be a support system. It was me, one other adult and 2 children that would be experiencing this together. These people I have never met, but it was really cool to know that they were there for the exact same reason that I was. I am not sure how many people were at the service that night. I could see the people that I came with and spotted a few people that I recognized from church, but I wasn't really paying attention to who all was there. This was my time to speak directly to God with others listening. I don't know how many people payed attention, but at that moment I really didn't care. This was between me, my friends and family, the church and God. It was an incredibly powerful experience. I read my testimony, handed it over and kissed my old thoughts, beliefs and values adieu. I emerged from the water a completely new and changed man. I stood up and realized, "I did it." I was so scared, shocked, nervous, questionable and confused going in to the experience, but knew that I was different after it. It was awesome!!!! God is truly an amazing being and there is no way that anything I will do from here on out will compare to the moment I was truly forgiven for my sins, transgressions and actions. The first person I noticed was my wife and was so proud that she has stood with me through many hills and valleys and knew that this was a huge step forward in our marrige and our commitment to each other. When I stepped out of the baptismal I was greeted by someone who has become a great influence on my life and has become a great friend. Even though I felt bad for getting him wet, he gave me a big hug. It was awesome to have him there, because I thought that he was going to be out of town. Afterward I also realized how many people were actually there to see me take this step. They all came up and gave me hugs and told me how proud of me they were. Not only were my family and friends proud of me, I really was proud of myself. I have done so many stupid things in my life and this was one moment that I can truly say that I did something good for myself. Wow, what a blessing.

So now that this is over :) I found out of Friday that I am going to be hosting our VBS (vacation bible school) in July at our Church too. A friend of mine that I used to work with is on the VBS board at church and threw my name in to the mix for potential people host and I graciously accepted. It is going to be so much fun and I can't wait. We also got a new car this weekend. It's a 2007 Dodge Caliber and it freakin rocks. It is far from a Mustang, Corvette, Yukon or something really cool, but is very nice.

Now that I have finally updated this, I hope that God will bless you all this week. Get out and enjoy what, at least in the Mid-West, is supposed to be a nice week. I plan on getting out and running, but I am swamped at work right now. I really need to step up my training. Less then 2 months before D-T-D and the longest that I have gone out for has been 7 miles. OOOOPPPPPSSSS!!!!!!!!! Anyway have a great week. Stay Strong, Run Long


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