Beautiful Morning for a run

Recently I started a new position with a new company which has...let's just say...set my training back a bit. While I love the company that I now work for I miss a lot of my friends that I used to run with and most certainly my mid-day run. The company that I used to work for had a great workout facility with showers. I am not as lucky with my current employer and that has caused me to shift my runs around a bit. Where I used to run in the middle of the day, shower, go back to work and "be home" when I went home, I am now forced to run at nights. 2 problems with this though.
1) It is hotter later in the day.
2) It forces me to give up some family time.

I don't get to spend a lot of time with my kids and my wife so when I get home, I really want to be around for them. In shifting of my schedule I do have to spend some mornings running which means getting up REALLY early. I'm fine getting up early, but 3:30 AM is too freaking early. This morning though, I didn't mind getting out because I knew the temps were going to be in the 100's after work and I really didn't want to run in that.

3:30 came, my alarm went off and I hit the snooze a few times. I finally rolled out of bed around 4:00, made some coffee, got dressed, had a bite to eat and headed outside. I slowly realized that the crazy humidity was not going to mix well with my total body soreness from the weekend of trimming trees, but I was up so I needed to run regardless.

I know that most people think that I'm crazy, but if you ever have the opportunity to run at 4:30 in the morning, take it. You don't realize how calm the world is until you get out when there is no traffic, no movement in the trees and virtually no noise. It is absolutely beautiful. Period. In the mindset of safety, I do wear a headlamp with 3 LED lights that seem to light the road pretty well, but I find myself turning it off just to look up and see the stars of a cloudless sky. It is truly breathtaking.

Now this morning, my run didn't go quite as planned. I think that the humidity and "workout" from the tree extravaganza got the best of me. I had planned on doing 10 miles but ended up with 8. My pace was relaxed, I walked the major hills (out of advice from major ultrarunners), hydrated well, ate a granola bar but today just wasn't my day. Oh well. Just being outside running in the beautifulness that God created made it totally worth it.

I did decide this weekend that I really do need to pick a race. I've been saying this for months now but I need to have something to train for. I know for a fact that in November I am running the R.C.C. Run The Woods (date not confirmed) but I am really contemplating on doing the 12 Hour Equalizer put on by the Cranky Gnomes Athletic Club and still throwing around the idea of doing the 100K (62 miles) version of the Free State Trail Ultra in Lawrence, KS in April 2012 and possibly dipping my toe into a 100 miler in Fall of 2012. Who knows, we'll have to see.

Stay Strong, Run Long
Tha Messenjah


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