I think that God has a sense of humor

Last week while I was sitting in my basement on my computer I was thinking to myself "Your birthday is tomorrow. What is your calling?" I know, kind of a weird thing to think about with so many places I could go on the internet.

So during my nightly prayer I asked God to help me discover what my purpose is and how I can use some of my passions to find it. I wasn't asking for a lightning strike and a burning bush, I was just asking to help me find out what my true calling in life is. A couple of weeks ago I signed up for a daily devotional type of thing from a place called Teen Hope Line.com. I know, I know, 28 is not a teenager anymore, but this website was founded by the lead singer of Seventh Day Slumber and I love them. While I was at the concert a couple of weeks ago I signed up for the newsletter just as another resource to strengthen my walk.

I really haven't thought too much about my question to God in the last week, but I open my email this morning and there are two emails that I got last night. One from Teen Hope and one from the Wellness Ministry coordinator at my Church asking for volunteers to help with an obstacle course at our church picnic. Since I had signed up for the wellness ministry I figured that I should open that one first to see if it was important. The coordinator was asking for volunteers to work the obstacle course. I wasn't really sure if I was going to the picnic since gas prices are RIDICULOUS and we live a ways a way from the church. I then opened my daily bible lesson and it read as follows:

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matthew 25:21 (NIV)

“Well done.” I don’t know about you, but when I stand before the Most High God to see if I’m going to be welcomed into the Kingdom of heaven, that is what I want to hear! In this life, God gives us gifts, abilities, and opportunities to do great things by His Spirit and for His glory. There are people who think of salvation as nothing more than ‘fire insurance.’ Their lives are similar to a non-Christian, and they make almost no positive difference for eternity. That is no way to live, you’ll experience only a few of God’s many promises that way. Instead, why not do what God put you here for, and expand His kingdom? We aren’t all amazing athletes, actors, or extremely talented in the world’s eyes. However, we don’t play by the world’s rules. Besides, God has given each one of us gifts and wants us to use them as He instructs, for His glory. If we will seek God’s will and find out what He wants us to do, then He will lift you up in due time. Please don’t settle for just getting by; lead the way and others will follow your example of living. Aim to do God’s will for your life and make it your goal to hear God say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Now if that isn't a slap in the face to say, "You idiot. You better do this!!!" So of course, I respond saying that I wanted to help. But how crazy is that. Everyone always says that God works in mysterious ways and I really think that every time I ask for a sign of something that I should be doing, He really is listening. It may not be a life altering sign, but a sign none the less. Weird.

This weekend is D-T-D and I couldn't be more excited. My best friend and I talked game plans the other night and I am super excited he is doing this with me. I haven't really run much in the last 2 weeks (trying to recover from a cold) but did a 5 miler on Tuesday and felt great. Went out with a 8:15 pace for 5. I felt really good even though it was 50 degrees and raining like crazy. I think that I am ready. Actually, I know that I am ready because I woke up at 3:30 this morning thinking about it. Needless to say Starbucks might be calling my name this afternoon to make sure that I am awake at work.

Well, gotta run. Send good thoughts and prayers on Saturday morning between 7:00-9:00 am that I will run smart and safe.

Stay Strong, Run Long
Tha Messenjah


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