What Drives You?
Photo from eHealth Critic I have always been very open and honest about myself. I have brought to light some of my deepest, darkest problems through writing this little blog. I've talked about my addiction to food, my weight problems, yada yada yada and it has really helped me with perspective and healing. I'll be the first one to admit that I am a "food aholic" but recently I had a wonderful conversation with one of my very good friends who also deals with the same issues and it left me wondering, what is really driving me? What is my main goal with weight loss and running ultras? At first my motivation was to look "sexy". I'll admit it. I wanted to loose weight to look like a professional athlete with six pack abs and be able to walk around with no shirt on. There it is. There is the truth. But when I realized that my genetic makeup would never allow me the ability to do that I did it for people to look at me like I was a badass. Yep, when I ...