Barefoot Running

For those of you who don't know (all one of you that read this), I have been doing this barefoot running thing now for about a year. I first started when we had a treadmill in our house over the winter of 2009-2010. I kind of actually started by accident. You see, I was adjusting the belt on the TM because it was making this horrible squealing sound before Mrs. Messenjah decided to go for a run on it. I had just gotten home from work and was still in my khakis, dress socks and dress shirt. As I was adjusting the belt I realized that it wasn't making the noise until someone got on it. As my wife was somewhere doing something else I didn't want to go up and get my shoes and I was only going to take a few strides anyway. I jumped on and started going. What the heck was going on? This actually felt kind of good. This is weird!!! As you know, I am an uber-dork and ran upstairs to do some research. I found out that there was actually people around the world doing this crazy thing...