What a BEAUTIFUL day for a run

Got out over lunch today and MAN was it nice. 35 deg when I got out the door, a slight 9 mph wind from the South and got in a great 7.25 at 8:45 min/mile. These are the days that I love. When I can go into the gym, see all of the treadmills filled up (which is weird for a Friday at our work gym) and know that I can go outside in my shorts.

Went outside and it was SLOOOOOOOOOOPPY. I can honestly say though that even though I have been out quite a bit this winter and run in the snow, ice, while it was snowy and icy, I much prefer the slop. Just for the fact that slop = warmer temps. I am pretty lucky too that I discovered such great shoes in my Brooks Adrenaline ASR's. I don't know how many puddles I stepped in today with no water or mud in the shoes at all. Now it is a different story for the outside of the shoe.

I am actually quite surprised that I felt pretty good. My group went out 03/04/10 and did 7.70 miles at 8:24 min/mile and I was zapped when I got back. Since it was nice out today too, I wanted to go out and get a longer run in, but was thinking about shooting for a nice slow run. About 1 mile in I thought "wow, I feel really good. Let's crank it up a notch". Now for some of you reading this 8:45 may not be fast, but you have to understand that I am 6' 1" and 210 pounds. Moving that fast for me is REALLY good.

I started off the run listening to my normal long run mix. John Mayer, Jars of Clay, Fiona Apple, etc. Some softer, slower stuff so that I don't find myself running to the music. I got about 2 miles in and decided that it really wasn't what I needed today. If you know me, or if you have read my blogs before, I love podcasts. I love talk radio. I love books on tape. I love listening to sermons. I had a new podcast from Breakaway Ministries that I really wanted to listen to that was a continuation on the life of Abram (Abraham).

This weeks talked about the comparison of Abraham and Lot and the different choices that they made in their lives and how drastically different their lives turned out. As pastor Ben was talking about how much Lot loved the worldly side of life he asked the question, what would be the one thing in your life if you didn't have your life would be destroyed. In the line of questioning it was more about lifestyle, possessions, etc. Not necessarily your husband, wife, kids, loved family member (because obviously your life would be destroyed without them). But it makes you question what in your life is so important to you that takes up so much of your time could you live without. He was trying to pull out of people their thoughts about their jobs, their cars, their money, their things and it made me question myself. What would destroy my life if I couldn't have and it dawned on me it was exactly what I was doing while listening to him speak. I was doing something that has consumed my life, that if I didn't have it, I don't know what I would do. Obviously my "thing" is different than a lot of other peoples "things". My thing isn't something that has hurt my life, it has made it better. It isn't something that affects my family, because most of my training is done over lunch, early in the morning or late at night when my family doesn't even know that I am gone. But this thing that I love so much has made me a happier, healthier, more enthusiastic, smaller person. I have been able contribute more to society than I would have been able to when all I did was sit on the couch. What would I do without it? My simple answer is, I have no idea.

You get the most profound, eye-opening realizations during the middle of a run

Stay Strong, Run Long

Tha Messenajah


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