What a difference a year makes

I have always heard the phrase "What a difference (fill in the blank) makes" but today I am going to make the statement, "What a difference a year makes." Why you ask? Well it was about this time last year that I made a couple of commitments that have changed my life and the life of my family. It was exactly one year ago today that I heard the service at church that changed my perception of my place on earth. Many of you have heard my testimony, if you haven't click here and go down to week 5 of the WhyI series. But on this day one year ago God infected me and even though there was some resisitence I couldn't shake it. I was a broken person that had no direction in my life. I lost my job earlier in the year, I was lucky enough to get something quickly, but it was different and I wasn't happy. I was working a second job that took A LOT of my time from my family that had a new member. I felt like I didn't know myself, my wife, my kids. I made a commitment one year ago today to change for the better. After hours of groups and classes I feel like I am finally starting to get where my life is going. Although sometimes life is a little cloudy, I am starting to make out the shapes. God has lit a fire in me that I have never had before and at times it is scary, but I know that he has a plan for me. 

A year ago I was living for the here and now and didn't care who I had to hurt to get what I wanted. Christ died for me to be here and all I am living for now is to glorify the commitment he made to me. 

The thing that really made me realize this was when a group from work went down to a homeless shelter that serves meals every day to the homeless or struggling individuals of Central Iowa to serve meals. This was something that I have always wanted to do but "something always came up." Well, I was made the lead of a committee at work that deals with community involvement and I think that God was saying that this is my time to serve His people. I contacted the shelter and scheduled a couple of times for people to go down. I really didn't know what to expect. We went down and we saw some of the most thankful people in this world. These are people that are dealing with abuses (from substance to emotional) and were just happy to see our faces as we handed them a plate of food. Food is something that we take for granted, many times throwing away left overs because we don't like to reheat food. These are people that are just happy to have a warm place to stay at night when we complain because our heating bills have gone up. These are people that are happy to have one pair of pants, a pair of shoes, a shirt and a coat, when we complain because can't get that new outfit. These are the times when we need to wake up and look around us to see the people that are hurting, those that are calling out for help but have no one to listen to. Last night when I told my 3 year old what I did today and how I went and gave food to people that don't have houses she said to me "they can come live at my house." I about started crying. How proud I was to hear my kid be willing to let someone who doesn't have something stay at her house. Her statement helps me to realize that I don't know if one year ago today, if she would have been the same age, she would have said that. Before it was all about me and what I had to do to get what I want. Now, I begin each day thanking God for making me so lucky to have the things I do. A second chance at life, a loving family, a home, a job, food on the table.

As we slowly approach the birthday of our Lord I ask that you take some time to look around you and be thankful that he came here to be able to provide for you. He has given you everything. Take some time to look around you and think about the people that don't have the luxuries. Being a child of God does not come from how much success you have seen. It comes from glorifying the word of God through how you live your life.

Stay Strong, Run Long
Tha Messenjah


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