A random gripe
So, today was such a nice day I decided to take an extended lunch and go for a long run. I went out for the first long run in a very long time without my iPod so I really got to enjoy the sights and sounds of the city. One thing though that really sets me off is smoking on a running, walking, biking trail. I understand that you are outside and due to one of the best legislation ever passed in Iowa it is illegal to smoke in all establishments minus casinos, but there are people that are on this trail trying improve their lives and you keep blowing your smoke right in my face. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! It ruins a perfectly good day/run when you have to run through 2-3 people standing on the sidewalk or walking on the trail puffing on their cancer sticks. Have some common courtesy for your fellow human being. If you want to pollute your lungs and your body with that crap, don't get me involved. I have had several family members killed by this silent killer and I don't want that stuff affecting me when I choose not to do it. Find an alley. Find a park bench away from the trails. Smoke in your car. Just don't do it where I have to run through your plume.
Now that is over with. Lots of really cool things have been happening. As you read above, I went for a really long today. I got 10 miles in w/out music. That's fantastic!!!! I haven't done a 10 mile training run without music in a verrrrry long time. It was nice to just get out and do it. I met a guy along the way that looked like he was going about my pace so I thought I would ask if he wanted somebody to run with. His name was Jason and he was an attorney in DM. It was kind of cool because he was wearing the DTD t-shirt from the first time that I did it (the 5k) and I told him that was my first race, ironically it was his too. I ran with him for a couple of miles before he turned back to go back to work. I love running with people that I have never met before. It kind of gives you a glimpse into their lives and why they are running. I love to see people that started running and have lost hundreds of pounds, quit smoking or lowered their blood pressure/cholesterol. It is really cool to see people get out and just do something.
Also this week we started VBS at the church we attend. I am hosting this year and have been told several hundred times how I have some "big shoes to fill" with the guy that did it last year but has moved on to another church. Monday night was a little nerve racking but once I got all of the bugs out of my system it has been a little easier. I also learned that kids can be VERY critical. Last night we did a skit and I had been deep sea fishing. I don't know how many kids came up to me and said "You didn't catch a fish" of course I had to stay in character and tell them that I had, but one kid came up to me and said "You're a liar!!! You didn't catch a fish. Your skin on that picture was different than you skin now and you had a plastic fish on the pole." I wanted to tell the kid that it was just a skit and make believe but I was caught completely off guard by his willingness to tell me off. I walked away bewildered and kind of hurt :) Oh well, kids will be kids i guess. Below is a picture of me last night. Like I said I was supposed to have been fishing all day and I am wearing some hot and rather tight waders to illustrate that. Thanks to Becki for the picture.
We are also finally starting to get most of our house ready to paint our house. Man, what a struggle that has been. From the 90 degree temps with 90% humidity and my unwillingness to go outside and do it, it has been an extremely long process. We are chipping, sanding, caulking and everything to repair the horrible job the last people did, but I think once we get all done it is going to look very nice. Mrs. Messenjah has picked out some beautiful colors. She is definitely the decorator/designer of our home. She does an awesome job.
So, that's about it. I should let you get back to whatever it is that you are doing. As always, Stay Strong Run Long.
Tha Messenjah