
Showing posts from 2019

2019 Whiterock Ultra 50 Mile...why is everything so WET!!!!

--> Make sure to check the bottom of the page for more photos Most people that know me, know that the Western States 100 is MY Boston Marathon. I dream about it constantly. When I get a dog, I want to name it Rucky (after Rucky Chucky river crossing) or Robie (after Robie Point/Wendell Robie). I obsessively check twitter the final weekend in June for updates every 35-45 seconds. It’s in my blood…and I’ve never even been there. I bring this up because I love the 100-mile distance. I’m not any good at it, but I LOVE IT!!!! With the passing of my dad early in the year, my race schedule has been thrown a little out of sorts, but I think it’s been a great thing because, for the first time in my ultra running history, I get the chance to do proper build-up races to a 100 miler in September. A good friend Mike contacted me early spring and told me that he and his buddy, Greg, were planning on putting on a race at the Whiterock Conservancy in Coon Rapids (calling it t...

Ode to my dad

Dad, Well, big we are. The morning of the day when we lay you to rest. For the last couple of days, I've been struggling to figure out if I wanted to write something that was just between you and me. But after meeting with people last night, I couldn't keep it to myself. I was reminded of how you taught us to live our lives and I couldn't keep that from people. You gave us the gift of storytelling so I wouldn't be doing your legacy any justice if I didn't put it on paper.  Loving. Caring. Sharing. I can't even count how many times I heard those words since you took your final breath. So many people have come up to me and told me that they had no idea you were even sick, but that's the way you wanted it. That's the way you lived your life. With a sparkle for the now. A life that steered away from sadness and guided the ship toward laughter. A life that revolved around making people smile. A life that was filled with grins, even whe...

Being a Dad is Like Training for an Ultra

A real image of my kids fighting...if they had sweet samurai swords I've spent a lot of the last 13 years running. I've also spent the last 13 years being a dad. It all started with our spunky redhead and over the years our family has blossomed to a household of 4 children and a really dumb cat. All of them have their own distinct personalities and ways that they've taught me that being a dad is much like the training to be an ultra runner. Now, obviously, the physical training is significantly different so I won't go into that piece, but here are just some of the things that I've learned training for both: Different days...different foods I love how open my kids are to trying new foods. They are, for the most part, very adventurous eaters and will try most things once. I've tried most energy gels and/or sports nutrition products on the market at least once. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I've found that in the middle of a race, so...