Lots of miles

So I realized yesterday that it has been nearly 3 months since I last wrote anything. There have been days where I will start to write something but not finish. I have a grandiose idea of something to talk about but get into it and think to myself, "I wouldn't even read this so why are you writing it". Today is not one of those days. I actually have something to write about that people, very few, might find interesting.

My running this year has been very good. I am putting in tons of miles and feel fantastic. I've put in more 20 milers in the first 6 months of the year than I did for any of my marathon or ultra trainings and I don't even have a race on the schedule. It is a little freeing to not have something to train for other than seeing how many miles I can put on the legs. I am proud to say that as of 07/20/12 that I have 937 miles in for the year.

For your traditional runners, that number may seem insanely high but for most ultra runners that number is quite low. It averages out to over 130 miles per month, but for a lot of ultra runners 130 miles is what they are putting in for a week. Take for example one of my favorite runners, Anton Krupicka. A couple of years ago, prior to an ongoing shin injury, he put in 6,000 miles in one year. That is over 500 miles per month and most of the time putting in 2000-4000 feet of climbing twice a day. That's just crazy!!!

I would love to be able to have the time/dedication to putting in big numbers like that but my time at work and with my family takes precedent. Regardless, I am very excited about my progress and what I've been able to achieve for the year. There have been days where it is has been mentally/physically/emotionally taxing, but God has been able to pull me out of some really deep ditches.

Although I am excited about what I've been able to accomplish, there are some people that don't share the same enthusiasm that I do. I post things on my Facebook all of the time giving progress of my running and I have noticed that my "friends" number has diminished probably because of it. The people that have "unfriended" me tend to be people that don't know how important this aspect is in my life and just can't appreciate how good this is as a stress reliever and healthy form of exercise. Yeah, it may seem a bit extreme, but there many other things I could be doing that are worse.

Anyway, just wanted to give a quick update. No races on the calendar at this point, but may attempt a 12 hour timed event in the fall. Hopefully this heat goes away. YUCK.

Stay Strong, Run Long
Tha Messenjah


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