
Showing posts from May, 2010


I wanted to provide, the few of you who read this, with a little updated since my last post. In the past 3 weeks I have run a total of 4 times. Why you ask? Well, a couple of weeks ago when I was on the treadmill (my arch nemesis) I took a weird step and felt something that didn't feel quite right in my knee. Trying to be smart, I took a week off and felt great during the run and when I stopped I started to have the same pain. Waited another week with the same result. Waited another week with the same result. What the heck is the problem here????? UGH!!!!! It's really strange because when I am out on the run it feels great but when I stop it hurts. I'm not sure. Maybe that is just telling me to not stop running. I bet Mrs. Messenjah would LOVE that idea :) Pray that something gets fixed and I can get back out on the trail/road soon. I am a much happier person when I can get in a run. Not sure what my next race is going to be. It was going to be one of my favs, but with this...