What a sweet life we have

When you look at the title of this blog you really have to open your mind up to how bad life really could be and people that are living in absolute hell. Yesterday as I was walking in to work, with sitting at my desk all day on my mind, I saw a homeless man standing in front of Starbucks. My initial human response is to avoid eye contact and just keep walking. Which is what I did. As I crossed the street I tried to envision what this guy might have gone through to end up sitting outside of Starbucks, wearing no shoes asking people for money. I obviously don't know him and don't know his ambitions or his past, but a guy driving his Cadillac CTS (one of my favorite cars) comes out of Starbucks and just walks past like I did. I realized that this was an extremely arrogant and pompous gesture as I have been blessed with a job that pays well and I don't have to beg for money. I didn't have any money on me as I never carry cash or credit cards, so I did the only thing that I could and gave this guy my sandwich that I had made for lunch. I knew that I had some checks and could go somewhere and get a sandwich if I got hungry, but this guy couldn't. As I walked over to him I told him that I didn't have any money, but asked if he would like my sandwich. He spoke in a very low voice and I am not really too sure on what he even said to me, but he extended his hand. The Bible tells us that we should love our neighbor as ourselves and that you never know when you might be passing up the maker who is testing you to see what you'll do. I am reading an intereting book now that gave me a really good insight into what people go through and how we can help them. As I was reading it this morning the author pointed out that Jesus was homeless. That's right, the Son of Man who was sent here, by God, to die for us was homeless. He and His disciples often slept in boats and asked for a place to stay for the night.

As you read this you are probably sitting at your desk checking your email, your MySpace or Facebook and looking at your bank records. I realize that with record high gas prices and soaring food costs that times may get a little difficult, but just think, you are sitting at a computer reading this probably never truly realizing how good of a life we have. I am thankful everday for what I have. Each morning I wake up with a prayer and just thank God that I am being allowed to live another day. I wake up in a nice bed, brew my coffee, make my lunch, head off to work where I sit at a desk all day, go home, watch my big TV, go to bed and start all over tomorrow. We can all sit here and complain about how tough finances are but don't think about the people that have nothing. How many of us will go in to Starbucks and drop $5, $6, $7 without batting an eye, but when we go outside we walk right past someone who has nothing.

When I was driving downtown this morning I went past a bench that was being "rented" by a big financial corporation with their headquarters out of Des Moines. As I rode past there was something written on this bench that I can only assume was written by someone a little less fortunate. I make this assumption with the understanding that most people would be more apt to draw moustaches or something like that on an advertisement like this. It simply said "Jesus Loves YOU". Even though we have heard this statment since we were little, we don't always think about it in our age of instant information, E! TV, cell phones and iPods. Jesus really does love us. He and the Father have a plan for every one of us. Take a second today to really enjoy what you have and don't pass up those opportunities to help those in need. Even if you don't have much to give, something is better than nothing.

The running is going ok. I didn't write about Dam To Dam because I was a little disappointed. I ran it, I finished and both of my feet are still attached. My next goal is to really start hitting the training hard as my foot continues to heal. I still want to do this race during the fall and have finally made the decision to do the 50k instead of the 50 mile. It is going to be insanely challenging, but I am looking forward to it. I am going in with the thought of making it through and hopefully not concentrating too much on times. I hope you are all doing well. I will talk soon.

Stay Strong, Run Long
Tha Messenjah


Wow. I really enjoyed reading this posting, Brad. Here I am thinking about me, myself, and I and could have easily been the one walking past the homeless man without even noticing his situation. Thanks for making me stop to think about how lucky I am today.

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