Random Musings

Well, I have had this page for a while, but have never written anything on it. Soooo, I figured that maybe I would start. I wanted to point out that this is going to be a place for me to talk some talk. I am going to have some deep spiritual conversations (I have recently renewed my relationship with Christ and couldn't be more excited about it), I am going to talk about my lovely family, I am going to talk running (I love it, I love it, I love it) and pretty much anything else that comes up.

I want to call your attention first off to the actual title of this page. You may be wondering, what does this mean. Well, it is one of my favorite verses in the Bible that is not just about running, but how we should live our lives. We should all be conducting ourselves in a way to reach that final prize. I am not here to tell you that you have to believe the same things that I believe, but I hope that you believe in something higher than you. We were all put on this earth for a reason and you should be doing everything you can to live the best way possible. I am not going to say that I am perfect. I am VERY far from it. I am just trying to better every aspect of my life to fill myself with positivity.

I am in a great place in my life. I LOVE my wife. She is one of the greatest human beings ever created. She is my best friend, my love, the mother of 2 of the smartest & cutest girls in the world, and a wonderful person. My girls are the best kids in the world and will only get better.

Like I said in the beginning, I have recently renewed my faith and am truly on fire for what I am learning. The love that I am seeing from my Savior is love that I have never seen. Christ has truly given me a second chance at life.

Anyway, hopefully I will be able to stay more on top of this then I have on past blogging things. I welcome your comments and anything that you would like to add. I hope that you can learn a little more about me. Welcome aboard :)


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