
Showing posts from July, 2019

2019 Whiterock Ultra 50 Mile...why is everything so WET!!!!

--> Make sure to check the bottom of the page for more photos Most people that know me, know that the Western States 100 is MY Boston Marathon. I dream about it constantly. When I get a dog, I want to name it Rucky (after Rucky Chucky river crossing) or Robie (after Robie Point/Wendell Robie). I obsessively check twitter the final weekend in June for updates every 35-45 seconds. It’s in my blood…and I’ve never even been there. I bring this up because I love the 100-mile distance. I’m not any good at it, but I LOVE IT!!!! With the passing of my dad early in the year, my race schedule has been thrown a little out of sorts, but I think it’s been a great thing because, for the first time in my ultra running history, I get the chance to do proper build-up races to a 100 miler in September. A good friend Mike contacted me early spring and told me that he and his buddy, Greg, were planning on putting on a race at the Whiterock Conservancy in Coon Rapids (calling it t...