Repost from my blog piece for the IMT Des Moines Marathon If you’ve been running long enough, you know what the sign above is referencing. You’re training is going well. You have down what your hydration, nutrition, cute shoe and clothing strategy for every possible weather condition. Your 2018 John Stamos calendar is staring you in the face with that big circle around October 21st. You are looking at your schedule of runs and you see a weird trend…the numbers are getting smaller…and smaller…and smaller…what is happening?!?!?! I’m supposed to be running a marathon?!?!?!?! Why are the numbers getting smaller? What is that weird pain in my toe? Is my ear bleeding? Is that a hole in my shorts? Do I need new shoes? (this answer is always yes)…NO I DON’T WANT A FREAKING QUESADILLA!!!!!!!!!! You are moody, cranky and irrational…You have entered……..The Taper Zone!!!!! (dun dun dun!!!!!) Obviously the above scenario is fictional…for most people…but there is some real things that wil...