
Showing posts from August, 2010

Summer Update

Sometimes I can't believe how fast time flies when you are busy. I just realized that I haven't put anything on here and figured I would at least put something for the one or two people that will ever read this. Life has been crazy lately. Work is nuts (in a good, busy way), there is so much going on around home (I'll explain later) and just trying to keep moving with my runs. First of all, my little, baby soon to be 5 year old will be starting Pre -K in just a couple short weeks. I can't believe how grown up she is. Not that she has grown necessarily as Mini Me has passed her up in weight, but intellectually she is starting to become an adult. She asks a lot of adult questions, is recognizing her letters & numbers quickly, can write words without asking how to write the letter and loves to draw. It is going to be interesting how pre -k goes. We have struggled so much for probably the last year trying to decide if we send her to Kindergarten or do we send her to Pre...